Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Friday, October 3

"It's not about who is right or wrong, but about the metaphors you use" ~Dr. Sexson

your mission: to find a light bulb moment in Frye

  • in the symbol's chapter
  • something new that you are better for knowing now
pathos: tear-jerking

there is a point in which you repeat something too much (even if it's sad) that it become comedic

sometimes repetition is key to getting a point across


McCain Blinks:
  • he backed down
  • he actually blinkes a lot
  • literal vs metaphorical


~3 shapes in an inclosed space:
  1. triangle
  2. rectangle
  3. circle
  4. all inside a square

but it's actually this:


highlight 3 passages from Sidney that are important to you

metaphor---> myth---> declining ages: this is all we do in this class

Dante's levels:

  1. literal
  2. allegorical
  3. moral
  4. anagogical

"there is so much time and so little to do" ~ Willy Wonka

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