Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lars and the real Don Quioxte
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Study Guide 2
- 119
- 136-41
- 147
- 148
- 153
- 156
- 163
- 165
- 187
- 214-5
- 223
3 Apologists:
- Keats: Negative Capability, Almost a Remembrance, The Vale of Soul Making
- Arnold: Lit was a substitution for religion, touchstones
- Pater (on this site pgs 35-7 , although the last 5 lines or so of his essay aren't included): 'Art for art's sake', 'The only things worth studying are the things you don't have to justify as being useful'- they add quality to your moments
Book and Heart
- Longinus: sublime
- IA Richards: pseudo-statement, hypothetical
- Julia Kristeva: intertextuality- 'every work of lit is in conversation with all others'
- Oscar Wilde: Life is an imitation of art
- Samuel Fish: humanities and 'that which we see with poetry seeing eyes'
- William Blake: imagination, visionary
- Mikhail Bakhtin: dirty mind, carnival, lit is body comedy
Idea of Order: Ramon Fernandez to end
- DQ slices_______? A- wine skins
- N. Frye's anagogic level: ______ is the _____ of nature (pg 145)? A- Man, container
- H. Bloom compared DQ to _____, and Sancho Panza to ___________? A- Hamlet, Falstaff
- Frye suggests that as myth moves to irony __________ moves to ________. A- metaphor, simile
- Main theme from B and H: innocence to _________? A- experience
- 'Not the fruit of the experience, but the ___________ in the end" ~ Walter Pater A- experience
- M. Arnold said: "criticism of life, crisis of __________?" A- Faith
- Frye compares DQ to ________ on page 225? A- white knight from Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)
- Arnold: "what power does the best poetry have"? A- inform, sustain, delight
- Filling up is __________, emptying out is _________? A- pleurousis, kenosis
- Is Frye a half empty or half full guy? A- half full likes comedy and romance
- Who does DQ believe to 'roam free' during the Golden Age? A- virgins
- Two great forms of undisplaced myth in N. Frye? A- Apocalyptic (good) and demonic (bad)
- TH Gastor's 4 phases in seasonal cycle:
- Mortification (Autumn)
- Purgation (Winter)
- invigoration (spring)
- Jubilation (summer)
- What does 'What's the difference mean?' A- 'I don't care!' deconstructionist
- DQ is a mirror held up, not to nature but to _______? A- the reader
- (pg 187-93) 3 stages of the mythos of summer/ romance? A- 1) conflict, 2) death struggle, 3) discovery
- (pg 148) "in poetry, physical is actual as opposed to the _______?" A- hypothetical- not real
- Negative god appeals where? A- demonic (chpt 3)
- DQ's squire is named, and it means? A- Sancho Panza and belly
- Structural principle of lit are derived from _________ and _________? A- anagogic and archetypal
- In which seasonal phase does the 'sense of relief' come on new year's? A- jubilation (#4)
- (pg 162) The top half is the world of ______________, bottom is the world of _________? A- Romance, realism
- Keats believed that poetry should __________ in excess? A- surprise
- The word demonic comes from the word _______? A- daemon, meaning soul
- What season does DQ fit into? A- all of them (all of the above)
- What Frye page is the 'woo woo' page? A- 119
- "In the anagogic phase, literature imitates the total dream of man, and so imitates the thought of a human mind which is at the ____________ and not at the center of its reality." (pg 119) A- circumference
- 4 master troupes?
- metaphor
- metonymy
- synedoche
- irony
- Negative capability: 'The artist becomes _______, so the work becomes ________." A- blank/ empty, everything ex) Shakespeare
- What mode would innocence be placed in? A- myth
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10
Eve Sedgwich (Joan)
- paranoid reality
- automatic responses to issues
- remain open to new ideas
- normal/ abnormal, legal/ illegal labels helps this
Stanley Fish (Kevin)
- Miltonic scholar without taking any classes on him
- wrote a brilliant paper about him
- reader-response critic
- interpreted communities
- relative to critics- convicted in their believes
- controversial antics 'maverick'
- ambiguous political beliefs
- 'one smart dude' ~Sophist
- New York times blog
- "a poem is what one sees when looking with poetry-seeing eyes"
Susan Gubar and Sandra Gilbert (Chris)
- 'the mad women in the attic' were feminists in the 70's
- angels and monsters- men are made it two molds: 1) pure, and 2) rebellious
- neither represents women
- break away from these ideas
- finding yourself is most important
Homi K. Bhabha (Derek)
- post-colonial theorist
- prose criticised 'too much jargon'
- 'questions of cultural identity' book
- hybrid culture/ partial culture
- post structuralism
Virginia Wolfe (Bobby)
- not crazy, but mad
- bipolar
- 'a room of one's own' - opinion of a minor point, need money and a room for a woman to write
- feminist? publisher and critic
- stream of consciousness
- modernist movement
- not happy, sad life
- committed suicide by jumping into the water
- 'to the lighthouse' book
- it's ok if it's didactic
- Ezra Pound- metro poem= all about the images
- 'art for the sake of art, not the ideas'
Philip Pullman:
- Wallace Steven's 'The Auroras of Autumn'
- 'the art of memory' by Frances Yeats
N. Frye:
- seasonal phases pg 158- 62
- the dead day 'totital'
Friday, November 7
Annette Kolodny (Kayla)
- ask probing questions
- radical feminist
- imaginative, daring of Adam's Wilderness
- 'Lay of the land'
- Eco-feminist
- loves Obama
- is his website
- Alice Walker writings
- greatly motivated by civil rights movement
- was told as a child that he couldn't be a doctor because he was African American in 1929
William Wordsworth (Jessi)
- nature has a healing aspect
- nature used to see in poetry in general
- poetry should be made for the modern man- about the modern person
- not to depict nature, but to show them how it affects them
T.S. Eliot (Doug)
- born in America, wrote in England
- 'learned crank' described him well
- modernist
- used past to show the present
- 'in my beginning is my end, and in the end is my beginning'
- new critic
- against Shakespeare- Hamlet is flawed because of the lack of emotions
- each word and it's meaning is important
Philip Pullman: Dark Materials
- stand back from lit
- different than Lewis and Tolkein
- ways in which the imagination works itself out
- Paradise Lost: instead of looking at the name 'god' look at the character
- demonic: Lucifer, demons
- Daemon: diomon, alternate part of personality
- church wants to take away your soul: literally
- shadow in Jung
- conflict of content, not of form/ myth
- "later poets are more outspoken"= Blake, Shelley, Swinburne, Hardy
Wednesday, November 5
I.A. Richards (Judson)
- new history- read about the past
- recognition of metaphors and symbols
- psychological notion of mental institutions
- poetry in prose is 'almost' - a pseudo-statement
- the poet never lies because they never affirm
Carl Gustav Jung (Clair)
- own individual conscious
- underlining: dreams, folklore, psychology
- archetypes are all definite forms in human psyche
- 5 archetypal events: shadow, anima/animous, divine couple, child, self
- all components of collective unconscious
Mikhail Bakhtin (Rosanna)
- exiled by Stalin
- one leg
- Russian
- lost manuscripts because of wars
- grotesque realism- degradation
- not purely political satire
- dialectical imagination: past, present, future conversation- you understand though time
- carnival: collectivity
Paul deMan (Jon)
- Belgian
- figural totalitization
- rely on 'unseen metaphor' to give us metaphors: we want meaning so we create meaning even if it's not there
- deconstructionist: no absolute meaning
- antisemitic: was sympathetic towards Nazis
bell hooks (Jessika)
- against white supremacy capitalist patriarchy
- media is important to him, used movies to teach about criticism
- thinking critically is most important
- social activist
- comedy= N. Frye
- McCain's consecration speech
- Macbeth: 'how was the execution?' your life is what you say right before it ends
- Obama speech= Henry V
- 'I'll be back,' 'Remember me,' 'do this in remembrance of me' are famous last lines
- DQ myth: one human being is all human beings
- The Golden Bough by James George Frazer
- Eucharist
- corpus christi
- have you ever looked at a painting so closely that you see the brush strokes?
- impressionist art: don't want things the way people see them, but the way they are
Monday, November 3
Helene Cixous (Heather)
- 'to be'
- father was a jew, mother was a german
- measured the difference between feminism and masculinity
- major/ minor, prose/ poem
- 'it is impossible to define...'
Sigmund Freud (Kyle)
- 'conscious mind'
- 'id,' 'ego,' and 'superego'
- dreams- 'aware vs sleeping'
- phallic symbols are everywhere
- psycho-biographic: life and childhood
- ego analysis
Edward Said (Jiwan)
- western humanization
- history is not standardized, but dynamic
- unconscious act of persuasion
Wolfgang Iser (me)
- reader-response critic
- believed that the reader was most important
Percy Shelley on youtube = sublime
synedoche: meaningful coincidence of 2 things
M. Arnold:
- "currency and supremacy are insured to it, not indeed by the world's deliberate and conscious choice, but by something far deeper- by the instinct of self-preservation in humanity." last lines
- what to do right before you die? 'The Bucket List'
- Jake doesn't like Pullman because of the controversy about the biblical aspects found in His Dark Materials
- intentional fallacy
- 'criticism of life' is the interpretation and evaluation of the meaning of life
- 'truth is a construction' said Vico
- 'Dover Beach' is dark and beautiful because of the 'eternal note of sadness'
- 'Dover Bitch'
- all things are a displacement: god vs devil, sheep vs wolf, angels vs demons
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Fall
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
my touchstone
"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. Therefore is winged cupid painted blind."
This line has helped me remember that it is not what is outside that counts, but what is inside. Whenever I begin to judge someone that is different than me, in looks, speech, clothing or ideas I remember this line and try to stop. It's special to me because of this, and was even my quote for my senior yearbook.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
John Keats
O GODDESS! hear these tuneless numbers, wrung
By sweet enforcement and remembrance dear,
And pardon that thy secrets should be sung
Even into thine own soft-conched ear:
Surely I dreamt to-day, or did I see
The winged Psyche with awaken’d eyes?
I wander’d in a forest thoughtlessly,
And, on the sudden, fainting with surprise,
Saw two fair creatures, couched side by side
In deepest grass, beneath the whisp’ring roof
Of leaves and trembled blossoms, where there ran
A brooklet, scarce espied:
’Mid hush’d, cool-rooted flowers, fragrant-eyed,
Blue, silver-white, and budded Tyrian,
They lay calm-breathing on the bedded grass;
Their arms embraced, and their pinions too;
Their lips touch’d not, but had not bade adieu,
As if disjoined by soft-handed slumber,
And ready still past kisses to outnumber
At tender eye-dawn of aurorean love:
The winged boy I knew;
But who wast thou, O happy, happy dove?
His Psyche true!
O latest born and loveliest vision far
Of all Olympus’ faded hierarchy!
Fairer than Phoebe’s sapphire-region’d star,
Or Vesper, amorous glow-worm of the sky;
Fairer than these, though temple thou hast none,
Nor altar heap’d with flowers;
Nor virgin-choir to make delicious moan
Upon the midnight hours;
No voice, no lute, no pipe, no incense sweet
From chain-swung censer teeming;
No shrine, no grove, no oracle, no heat
Of pale-mouth’d prophet dreaming.
O brightest! though too late for antique vows,
Too, too late for the fond believing lyre,
When holy were the haunted forest boughs,
Holy the air, the water, and the fire;
Yet even in these days so far retir’d
From happy pieties, thy lucent fans,
Fluttering among the faint Olympians,
I see, and sing, by my own eyes inspired.
So let me be thy choir, and make a moan
Upon the midnight hours;
Thy voice, thy lute, thy pipe, thy incense sweet
From swinged censer teeming;
Thy shrine, thy grove, thy oracle, thy heat
Of pale-mouth’d prophet dreaming.
Yes, I will be thy priest, and build a fane
In some untrodden region of my mind,
Where branched thoughts, new grown with pleasant pain,
Instead of pines shall murmur in the wind:
Far, far around shall those dark-cluster’d trees
Fledge the wild-ridged mountains steep by steep;
And there by zephyrs, streams, and birds, and bees,
The moss-lain Dryads shall be lull’d to sleep;
And in the midst of this wide quietness
A rosy sanctuary will I dress
With the wreath’d trellis of a working brain,
With buds, and bells, and stars without a name,
With all the gardener Fancy e’er could feign,
Who breeding flowers, will never breed the same:
And there shall be for thee all soft delight
That shadowy thought can win,
A bright torch, and a casement ope at night,
To let the warm Love in!
Matthew Arnold's Study of Poetry
Friday, October 31
- Italian
- humanist melancholy
- 'the new science'
- creations, not investigation
- humanization is cyclical: divine (metaphor), heroic (satonomy and synecdoche), man (irony), and chaos (gibberish)
- truth is a construction
Eric Auerbach (Danielle)
- jewish
- rhetorical rep in Odyssey, tyrannical in bible
- Dante and Shakespeare inspired
- no originality, all writing is based on close readings
- history is cyclical, not linear
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Chelsea)
- poet, Romantic, critic
- lyrical ballad- philosophical and critical approach to literature- begins w/ rhyme
- imagination is important to literature
- infinite 'I am' in lit
- poetic faith
- willing suspension of disbelief
Hayden White (Lisa)
- historian
- nothing about himself- knows he was destined for greatness because born in the same year as famous people (James Dean and Shirley Temple)
- figural realism (literary vs historical)
- history is poetical
- What does 'to do' mean? To act
- battlefield of truth: ritual= drama to do
- immortality: pg 556 of DQ- man in green "And so the man who uses and treats poetry in the requisite ways that I have mentioned will be famous, and his name esteemed, in all the civilized nations of the world."
- neg cap vs immortality
- Philip Pullman was a great fan of Keats
- pg 22: intro "I return to my question... he sees what we see, yet he sees something else too."
- Freud's 'pleasure principle' vs 'reality principle' is present here
- immortality: Ovid, Shakespeare and Cervantes
- Brian Talbot quoting Woody Allen
- Sonnet 18
- 'no day but today' from rent
- 'art for art's sake' Oscar Wilde
- grasshopper and ant fable
- 'truth is a construction' said Vico
- kenosis: emptying out/ plerosis: filling up
Wednesday, October 29
Henry James (Kelsey)
- great novelist
- themes: personal relationship, loneliness, unreliable characters
- love and morals
- possibly gay?
- 'turn of the shrew' is a ghost story
- interested in people, but never liked them
Ernst Cassirer (Victoria)
- jewish historian
- 'philosophy of symbolic form' book
- man as a symbolic animal (domestic)
- 'transcendental idealism'- Khan
- human world created through symbolic form: expressive, representative, and significant
Walter Benjamin (Ben)
- work rejected because too confusing
- work of art and mechanical reproduction
- aura: ability to be unique
- sense of awe and amazement by viewer
- because of mechanical representation: no auras anymore
Oscar Wilde (Kyle)
- doesn't want truth- illusion
- art is better than life and truth
- cannot tell the truth, make them laugh instead or you will be killed
- a portrait done with feeling is not of the sitter, but of the painter
Keats of Negative capability:- sounds like Sidney
- beauty and truth: 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'
- if something is really beautiful, than it is true
- Shakespeare didn't write what he felt, he wrote to become everything
- Shakespeare doesn't exist, only the world he created does
Don Quixote:
- 'woo, woo' pages: 429, 556-7
- cannon: everything should be didactic
- DQ creates an entire Romance novel in his mind
- aesthetic
- didacticism is being parodied
- nonsense writers: James Joyce, Lewis Carroll
- Polonius from Hamlet
- Walter Pater: "all the arts aspire to the condition of music"
- don't ask what it means, experience what it is
- 'nature is only nature, it needs and artist to portray it'
- lobster quadrille
- Ovid's final words "I shall have life"
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Monday, October 27
Samuel Johnson (Dustin):
Liza poet series
poetry should be simple and easy to understand
biography would be only the truth, not prose
Deeply influential
the Sublime is important to him
authentic aim is to judge and make sure that it's sublime
sublime: that which cannot be expressed because it is so much beyond anything else
control of metaphor
2 that reached this- Homer and Sapho
postmodernist- doesn't like labels
all about relationships
prisoners (voices concerns and feelings)
3 volumes- History of Sexuality
repression hypothesis refuted in the 60's- it is steadily becoming the center of our lives
led to what we know today as sexuality
it is a huge part of us
archeology of knowledge
Bulgarian (southern)
psycho-analyst in the 60's
structuralists and semi- audist= signifier/ meaning
didn't like these things so created seminalist: no absolute meaning ex) sarcasm
inter-textuality: applied to text, not words
My Book and Heart Notes for exam:- ideas that are taught (obvious)
- 'practical advice' then is now common sense
- death and rebirth when you start reading
- innocence and experience
- when we learn to read we lose innocence
- innocence to experience (Blake to Frye)
- death/life, myth/realism, metaphor/ simile
- when we read we become critics (Gaby's blog)
- "I didn't like a movie/ book because..."= critic
- Synedoecha, New York- Film
- TS Eliot: "We shall not cease from our exploration And at the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time"
- Genesis: A&E ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil
- intentional lies: first lies?
- Frye believed that fairy tales are transparent
- Werewolf movies:
- Blood and Chocolate (very bad, read the book)
- American Werewolf in Paris
- The Company of Wolves
- Wolfen
- Ginger Snaps
- Teen Wolf
- Underworld
- The Howling
- Dog Soldiers
- An American Werewolf in London
- getting of literacy is the loss of innocence
- pg 536 of DQ- everyone in part 2 has read part 1, like in Robin Hood Men in Tights when everyone pulls out their script, this is a very post-modern idea of metatheatricality
- ever know a simple but good person who creates catastrophes everywhere?
- continues from myth (romance) to realism (irony)
- Frye says that when you reach the end of a cycle, you start again, you don't go backwards
- innocence: "The innocent world is neither totally alive, like the apocalyptic one, nor mostly dead, like ours: it is an animistic world, full of elemental spirits. All the characters of Comus are elemental spirits except the Lady and her brothers, and the connections of Ariel with air-spirits, of Puck with fire-spirits..., and of Caliban with earth-spirits are clear enough." (pg 153)
- TS Eliot '4 Quartets': Buirnt Norton, East Coker, The Dry Salvages, Little Gidding
- Alice looks through the keyhole into the rose garden
- The Rose Garden like in Alice, and Beauty and the Beast represents innocence
- courtly love is all idealistic, not physical
Individual Presentations
- Dustin
- Kari
- Erica
- Jake
Wednesday, October 29
- Kelsey
- Victoria
- Ben
- Kyle
Friday, October 31
- Lisa
- Danelle
- Chelsea
- Sarah
Monday, Novemeber 3
- Brittini
- Alex
- Jiwon
- Kyle
- Heather
Wednesday, November 5
- Judson
- Rosanna
- Clair
- Jon
Friday, November 7
- Jessica
- Douglas
- Kayla
- Chris
Monday, Novemeber 10
- Doug
- Joan
- Kevin
- Derek
- Bobby
Wednesday, November 12
- Gabby
- Carly
Wednesday, October 22
- John Keats: Soul-making, remembrance, negative capability
- Mathew Arnold: Study of Poetry
when religion no longer works, we go to the poets
- "In Poetry I have a few axions, and you will see how far I am from their center. I think Poetry should surprise by a fine excess and not by Singularity" ~Remembrance by Keats
- if you are going to make a mistake- over do it! Err on the side of excess
- Babe: when the farmer is surprised, he dances when caring for the sick piggy
- "and appear almost a Remembrance" to remember is the key, and remember you must have forgotten everything
- Forms of nature
- "Nature is now inside the mind of an infinite man who builds his cities of out of the Milky Way. This is not reality, but it is the conceivable or imaginative limit of desire, which is infinite, eternal, and hence apocalyptic. By an apocalypse I mean primarily the imaginative conception of the whole of nature as the content of an infinite and eternal living body with, if not human, is closer to being human than to being inanimate." Frye pg 119
- Wallace Steven's '13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird'
- "No grave upon the earth shall clip in it a pair so famous. High events as these strike those that make them; and their story is no less in pity than his glory which brought them to be lamented. Our army shall in column show attend this funeral, and then to Rome. Come, Dolabella, see High order in this great solemnity." Last lines from Antony and Cleopatra
- Apocalypse: apo- take away, calypse- veil= remove the veil
- like removing the mask, curtain, etc to see the man.
- OZ-
- Apocalypse Now-
- Matrix-
everything is an allusion
Shelley: Hymn to Intellectual Beauty
WW: Ode on Intimations of Immortality
Shelley, WW and Stevens: 'technically' were atheists, but all spoke of a higher power