Friday, December 12, 2008

final thoughts...

I was really worried about taking this class when I first started. I had heard really horrible things about literary criticism and didn't want to take it at all. Then, when I bought my books and saw that we not only are reading Don Quixote (which is rather hefty), but also N. Frye I have to admit that I panicked a little. THEN, when we had to memorize all of 'Idea of Order' I'll admit that my palms started sweating and I began to have heart palpitations...

Flash to 4 months later, the good news is I'm still alive! I've given hours of my time to reading N. Frye, Don Q, the critics and memorizing Idea. I am a better person because of it, not only in re-reading DQ and re-memorizing Idea, but revisiting the beauty of the critic's apologizes. In spite of all the work, I really did enjoy this class and am sad that it's ending.

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